Defect Prediction

Quick StartCustom AI

It is very important to measure the number of product defects produced by a manufacturer because it is directly related to the profits of the company. The traditional method of identifying defective products is to identify defective products manually by humans, which is expensive because it is highly prone to human error and requires relying on a large number of people.
Using deep learning technology through data such as pressure, speed, and temperature that may affect product quality, you can quickly and accurately predict product defects. Predicting the quality of the product can not only reduce costs but also optimize the company's profits.

Main function

1. Defect Prediction
  • Cost reduction through prediction of defective products
  • Determine the cause of defective products
2. Data Security System
  • Thorough data security through security processing
3. Providing various services
  • Interlocking between apps, web and programs is possible by providing various programming languages

API Summary

DataData typeContentUse mode
Input dataCSVManufacturing process information (environmental pressure, speed, temperature, cause of defective products)API
Output dataCSVDefective product prediction API

Application procedure

PaymentSubscription method
Attached file upon application
Prepaid charge
Customer data required for model creation
Application procedure
  • Apply for service at Home page
  • Training data upload 
  • Consultant review and confirmation of availability
  • Business verification and online contract signing
  • Model generation
  • Use the generated artificial intelligence as an API 


API Setting$1,800 ~
API Predicting$0.002/row