Trade Surveillance

Quick StartCustom AI

You can detect suspicious transaction behavior in the market that indicates illegal behavior through transaction patterns using big data of trade and foreign exchange transactions of import and export companies. If fraud is suspected, such as deceiving false trade bonds as legitimate transactions, you can predict the transaction to reject the transaction entirely, or report the transaction for investigation and assess the likelihood of fraud. Fraud predictions can lower false positives. Reducing false positives leads to increased customer satisfaction, sales protection, and cost savings.

Main function

1. Trade Surveillance
  • Industry protection through fraud prediction
  • Establish a fair trade order by detecting unfair trade practices
2. Data Security System
  • Thorough data security through security processing
3. Providing various services
  • Interlocking between apps, web and programs is possible by providing various programming languages

API Summary

DataData typeContentUse mode
Input dataCSVForeign Exchange Transaction DataAPI
Output dataCSVFraud prediction API

Application procedure

PaymentSubscription method
Attached file upon application
Prepaid charge
OnlineCustomer data required for model creation
Application procedure
  • Apply for service at Home page
  • Training data upload 
  • Consultant review and confirmation of availability
  • Business verification and online contract signing
  • Model generation
  • Use the generated artificial intelligence as an API 


API Setting$1,800 ~
API Predicting$0.002/row